One number raised to the power of another is called a base. In the
expression 3^4 the base is 3. The most common base is 10 – we count
and measure things in multiples of 10 because we have 10 fingers on
which to count. There is however, one base which stands above all
others in physical and mathematical significance. This is the
irrational and the decimal expnasion ofcontinuous
forever with no pattern, although well known methods exist for
however many decimal places are desired.
naturally in maths, when the rate of change of something is
proportioal to the quantity present.
Suppose the rate of change of a population
If the rate of change ofis
proportional towe
can writeThis
is a differential equation and can be integrated to givewhereis
the initial population andis
the number given above. . In particular ifthe
rate of change of the population is equal to the population and the
population will grow by a face ofin
unit time period. Whatever the value ofas
long asthe
growth ofis
exponential meaningincreases
by a constant factor in each time period (and if
the value ofdecreases
by a constant factor in each time period).
Logarithms with base e obey the same log rules as all other logs,
but the number e is special enough for any log with base e to have a
special name. They are called natural logs – or logarithme naturel
from French and ln for short - so that
The number e appears in every branch of maths, from number theory,
complex numbers, trigonometry, differential equationsm,,, and is one
of the most important constants in maths, alongside the numberin
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